Which are the same modules that I am able to import.
#Install pyqt5 windows module could not be found install#
I am wondering if you really run 2.2.x, you have leftovers from an earlier install or there is still a typo somewhere. I can now use ffmpegconverter again (A small one which does great things. Has anybody else come across this import error for QtGui?įrom an interactive session I can > import PyQt5.Qtīut I don't have QtWidgets, QtGui, QtWebkit, QtDesigner, and several others.Īlso, if it is helpful, the contents of /usr/lib/python3.3/site-packages/PyQt5 are: _init_.py QtCore.so QtDBus.so QtNetwork.so Qt.so QtXmlPatterns.so uic I experienced similar difficulties trying to install PyQt5 into an existing Python3.6 installation on Windows10 at C:appsPython36. We must overlook some, you are the only one who reported here a issue with this mod. sudo apt install python3-pyqt5.qtmultimedia in Xenial (because python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine was not found, so I searched all patterns matching python3-pyqt5 and apt-cache search found this one among others which seemed relevant to me. Note that the PyQt5.QtCore import statement does not generate an error. ImportError: No module named 'PyQt5.QtGui' This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin windows Reinstalling. To which the compiler responds: Traceback (most recent call last): The code begins with the following import statements: import sys I want to run the first example code in chapter 4. Obviously this book was written with Qt4 in mind, but I have been recommended to use Qt5, and PyQt5. I am using Mark Summerfield's Rapid GUI programming book. Is there some reason that QtGui is packaged with PyQt5?